Thursday, April 9, 2009

As a nature photographer, I have made many photographic journeys over the last several years. When the season approaches for photography (mine being spring and autumn), I head out with a certain destination in mind and hope that the weather, color and light will all come together to create those great moments in nature that happen around us all the time.

On a journey, I would start from point A and head towards the general area of point B. I always try to take a different path along the way to see something new. Sometimes, it is the different path that makes the journey worth it.

However, this river journey has a definite path from point A to B making it unique to the other journeys I have made including the fact that I will be in a canoe and not in a dry, comfortable car. There are many unknowns to any journey. There are many parts of this river that I have not been on and always the question of, "What will I see around the next bend?"

A river has its own environment different from the countryside. The trees, plants and wildlife provide a unique experience for anyone. I recommend that everyone should have the opportunity to see what this environment provides whether it be on the river or by it. Time seems to slow down and when you slow down, you see so much more. However one chooses to visit nature, safety is necessary in the journey. So plan ahead and be prepared.

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